Build your KF-10 with confidence
The KF10 is offered as a kit boat with all parts available except the skin and finsh material. The skin panels (4 x 8 ft) are too large to package and ship. We have left these for the builder to purchase locally. The frame of the boat is first constructed with provisions for installation of all parts completed. then the skin is then placed on the frame. The skin panels are designed so that precise cutting of the material is avoided, and ordinary tools and skills give good results. The skin is then covered with 4 oz. fiber lass for additional strength. Finally the motor and electrics are installed to complete the job.
The Construction/Operation and Maintenance manual provides over 100 pages of text, pictures and drawings of all of the parts that make up the boat. Schematics and assembly drawings of electrical assemblies are provided so you can fabricate these, or you can purchase them ready to install. The critical parts of the frame are full sized drawings and are easily transferred to wood making the construction of the frame easy and accurate. Step by step instructions are provided so that builders can avoid most of the pitfalls boat builders face.
The Motor Control Unit is not a kit, but a component that must be ordered from Kingfisher Electric Boats.
Building OptionsOption 1 -DIY (least expensive)
Purchase the Manual and Motor Controller Unit. Find, fabricate or scrounge all of the material and parts called for in the manual. Assemble the boat from these. The time required will vary depending upon your gathering skills, but figure around 100 + hours.
Option 2 (less expensive)
Purchase parts and kits in the table below and assemble smaller assemblies as instructed in the manual. Build the boat. Time required will be many hours but less than option 1. See Table 2 below.
Option 3 (a little more money, a lot less time)
Order kits in the following table. Notice the electrical kit, modified motor, control panel and steering hardware are assembled and either installed (Frame 2 pedal assembly) or ready to install. All are tested and insure a trouble-free boat. Build time about 70 hours. See Table 3 below.
Option 4 (Bend the Budget - fastest way)
The KF10 is available as a completely constructed boat. It and the manual is crated and shipped to your home ready to mount the included motor. Buy yourself a PFD, a paddle and a battery to power the boat. Get your gear and head for the water. Be sure to have someone read the operation section of the manual to you while traveling to the lake.